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Aydem Renewables Family Meets at Traditional Ecological Festival

Aydem Renewables Family Meets at Traditional Ecological Festival

Aydem Renewables family came together at the Ecological Festival, which it made traditional as part of the World Environment Day activities. Families and children had fun at the event organized with the slogan "Energy for the Environment".

At the festival, seniority awards were presented to our employees who have served the company for many years with their efforts. Employees competed fiercely in the exciting competition 'Families Compete for the Environment', which was held for the purpose of environmental awareness. In the event, which drew attention to the harms of the use of plastic bags, families left green handprints with their children in the cloth bags distributed. At the end of the festival, our company employees, who collected the garbage in the environment with their children, instilled environmental awareness in their children.

Expressing his pleasure to meet with Aydem Renewable Energy family at a meaningful event, our General Manager Serdar Marangoz expressed his gratitude to the employees who contributed to the realization of the event and said: “Leaving a more livable world for future generations is at the forefront of our tasks. While remembering this responsibility once again at our company's Ecological Festival event, we presented our teammates who have been with us for many years with their awards. As Aydem Renewables family, we hope to carry out such beautiful events for many more years.”