Carbon (Emission) Reduction Certificates

What are Carbon (Emission) Reduction Certificates / GS and VCS Certificates?

Carbon reduction certificates represent greenhouse gas reductions. A certain amount of greenhouse gas emissions are compensated with certificates created by clean energy generation. Organizations active in the production of products and services that cannot achieve a certain reduction in carbon emissions, obtain carbon reduction certificates equivalent to the amount of carbon they cause emissions of and neutralize the emissions they cause.

These certificates are a corporate responsibility for the purchasing organizations. Carbon reduction certificates encourage purchasing organizations to make improvements in their production processes to reduce carbon emissions.

How do I offset my carbon emissions?

In order to offset their carbon emissions, greenhouse gas (carbon) emitting organizations must first calculate their Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions determined in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions must be included in the scope of offsetting. Organizations wishing to pursue a more stringent mitigation policy can also calculate and include Scope 3 emissions in their offsetting.

Organizations that want to offset their greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions can purchase carbon credits from organizations that hold VER credits (certificates). Thus, they can offset their carbon emissions. Organizations that purchase carbon credits to cover their total greenhouse gas emissions become carbon neutral.

What are GS and VCS Certificates?

Gold Standard is an internationally recognized certification program for carbon reduction projects. Supported by more than 80 non-governmental organizations throughout the world and contributing to the development of many projects, the program is run by the Gold Standard Foundation.

The VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) Standard is a full-fledged carbon offset program developed and run by the non-profit organization Verra. VCS is one of the most globally effective green energy certifications.

The Gold Standard and VCS Certificate are used to certify that energy efficiency and renewable energy projects have actually reduced CO2 emissions. 

Thanks to the renewable energy certificate I-REC as well as the carbon reduction certificates Gold Standard and VCS, which can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from production and commercial activities, you will be one step ahead in your sustainability and green energy targets.