Benefits of Green Energy Certificates for Your Business

Green energy certificates offer many advantages to energy suppliers and consumers. First of all, the certificate allows energy suppliers to prove that they offer renewable energy to their customers. For consumers, the certificate offers the possibility to verify the source of energy. In addition, the certificate provides energy suppliers and consumers with an important step towards achieving their sustainable energy goals.

Be a Step Ahead in Exports! You can be the first choice of international companies that care about clean energy consumption, and you can rapidly expand your customer network.

Achieve Zero Carbon Footprint Goal! You can take more confident steps towards your zero carbon footprint goals that can contribute to the sustainable image of your business.

Benefit from Privileged Credit Opportunities!  As businesses holding green energy certificates, you can apply to the green funds of banks and get privileged credit opportunities.

Global Transparency and Credibility (Trustworthiness)! You can provide your customers with transparent information about the source and sustainability of the energy you use and increase your credibility, reliability.

International Recognition! Green energy certificates are internationally recognized certificates. This allows your companies to demonstrate their commitment to renewable energy in the international arena.

Aydem Renewables continues its renewable investments to fulfill its responsibilities towards the environment and the society with 24 renewable energy power plants operating in four different regions of Türkiye. Our renewable energy power plants, where green energy certification studies are successfully carried out, possess 

I-REC, Gold Standard and VCS certificates.

If you would like to be one of the companies that determine environmentally friendly strategies by taking into account environmental impacts, you can contribute to nature and a sustainable future by obtaining green energy certificates of Aydem Renewables power plants.

If you would like to formalize your sensitivity to the environment, your environmental awareness, with renewable energy and emission reduction certificates, you can contact us from the address of .

You can invest in the future of our planet with the green energy and emission reduction certificates of Aydem Renewables power plants!